City Will Check SC Edison Tree Trimmers Starting Tomorrow

Written by on May 7, 2019

As Southern California Edison  crews are getting ready to cut surviving trees in Zuma Canyon tomorrow … the city is getting ready to make sure that trees are not butchered.

City planner Bonnie Blue told the Planning Commission last night they have hired a tree expert.


“The city has hired a consulting arborist to work with us and to help us oversee Edison’s work.

“While the city biologist and the rest of us know quite a bit about native trees and vegetation … this type of thing … we really wanted to have an expert to advise us, and so we have got an expert on board now.”

Tree activists are praising city staff for getting in Edison’s face over their plans to cut trees.

The power company has backed down from an aggressive plan to cut trees within 12 feet of Live power lines … or in some distances further.

Activists point out that the power company incorrectly said it was required to double the distance  between trees and power lines …. and that recent power lines were not caused by trees.

Edison trucks are supposed to show up in Zuma Canyon … on Bonsall Drive … tomorrow.

They plan to cut or trim 300 trees on Bonsall.

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