MRCA Caught Spraying Poison On ESHA

Written by on May 10, 2018

Another black eye for the M R C A … the Mountains Resource Conservation Authority.

The parks agency … run by two obscure Ventura County parks departments … was caught red handed … spraying a Malibu roadside with the herbicide Round Up.

Malibu city councilman Jefferson Wagner is complaining in writing that the MRCA used the chemical on the side of Puerco Canyon Road.


“With the regimen of the large spraying of the area that was accomplished by MRCA, they missed non-native invasive species.

“Those are the ones they should’ve keyed their spraying in on.”

Wagner also tells KBUU that the MRCA workers screwed up and igbored the instructions ont he side of the Round Up cans.


“You don’t use it in the middle of the day, when the insects land on the product, on the plants, and take it to other plants.

“You do it later in the afternoon. when the insect populations are down and the bees aren’t thriving, landing in the Round Up, taking it to other plants.”

KBUU has asked repeatedly for comment from the MRCA on this and other issues. … to be met with silence.

The M R C A is an agency made up of two parks departments … in Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley … which has expanded its domain into malibu.

Its director … Joe Edmiston … has had a longstanding campaign to wedge his agency into the Malibu coast … without any local oversight …

Just why the M R C A would violate LA County and city of malibu coastal regulations … by spraying the herbicide in environmentally sensitive areas … unexplained.

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