KBUU Newswire Mon: Coastal Override Planning Commission Again, Approves Lechusa Bathrooms – MRCA Is Tracking Your Cellphone – Trump Proposes Federal Aid For His Slumping Golf Course – Trump Proposes Turning Giant (Nonexistent) Faucet On To Canadian Water For LA – Malibu School HQ Site Revealed

Written by on September 16, 2024

Coastal Overrules Malibu Planning Commission, As MRCA Reveals It Is Tracking Your Cellphone

Malibu’s planning commission was overturned by the state coastal commission on Friday … not unexpectedly.

This time … the issue was the MRCA’s proposed bathroom to be built on a cliff at Lechusa Beach. 

The planning commission in Malibu vetoed the bathroom … they said it would block coastal views.

City planner Joseph Smith carried the ball for the city’s planning commission.

He showed a picture of the gorgeous coastline … with story poles showing a major chunk of the view blocked by the 2 story high bathroom structure. 

Smith said the city objects that the MRCA is plunking the toilet building in a prominent view location … because it had reached a court settlement with the nearby homeowners. 


“The issue is simply this: a settlement agreement is a private matter. A public view blockage is a public matter. 

“The applicant wishes to site a restroom facility in this location that would irreparably block public views moving forward.

“The city fully understands theimportance of public access and amenities. 

“The city is not anti-rest room, but it is anti-public view blockage.”

But the Coastal Commission manager for the Malibu area … Steve Hudson … pointed out a bit of a problem in the city staff’s argument. 

The same city of Malibu staff that was recommending against the bathroom before the Coastal commission … had recommended approval of the bathroom … before the Planning Commission. 


“As the city staff noted in their original recommendation to the planning commission, which was approval of the restroom and the project as a whole.

“This was an unfortunate decision by the city’s  planning commission to strip the restroom … the public restroom … out of the project… against their own staff recommendation.” 

In the end … the MRCA was given unanimous approval for its plans. 

Plus … an official pat on the head … like usual … from the coastal commission. 

Coastal commission member Linda Escalante said people need a place to pee.


“What do people do, they go there they don’t wanna leave? They can’t leave?

“They go (pee or poop) under the water or worse, they go under the houses that are further down.” 

MRCA Lets It Slip: They Are Tracking Your Cellphone, And Matching Your Address

One final note… 

To help make the case for the toilets to be installed . …. the MRCA said it knows that a lot of people from disadvantaged neighborhoods ar eusing Lechusa Beach. 

How do they know this???
The government agency revealed its secret:  it is tracking all cell phone users at Malibu beaches and trails … and that would mean … they are tracking everyone at or near a beach.

And the MRCA is matching the raw data to home addresses.

Mario Sandoval … an MRCA coastal access manager … told the commission that cellphone data is being linked to home addresses … and beach visiting. 

But it’s tracking everybody in Malibu.


“We do want to draw your attention to some of visitation data… cell phone location our cellphone pilot project that included this beach along with 50 other beach sites

“There MRCA is part of a larger working group that developed this pilot project.”

The MRCA has sued some Malibu homeowners … who feel they are protecting their privacy and property rights.  

Now they are tracking movements. 

So … be aware … the next time you move around in Malibu … the MRCA is tracking your location and matching it to your address. 

SMMUSD Plans To Build Malibu Schools Office At Elementary School On Pt Dume

Details are emerging on the agreement reached last last week between Malibu and the Santa Monica district … over splitting Malibu out of joint city the school district. 

The decision has been made to put the new Malibu school district headquarters … on Point Dume … at the campus called Malibu Elementary … but formerly called Point Dume Elementary.

The draft agreement between the city of Malibu … and the Santa Monica school board …. Says the current district shall complete the construction and installation of the Malibu district’s Administrative Headquarters prior to the Separation Date in coordination with

the Malibu Transition Team and the Parties will work cooperatively to

develop the best solution to the central office facilities needs of MUSD.

As for the district’s school bus fleet … nearly all of the buses are parked in Santa Monica … but serve Malibu.

Under the proposed agreement … the new Santa Monica district will pay Malibui 22 percent the value of the school buses.

But that means the new Malibu district will have to come up with a way to transport school kids …. Including several hundred kids from Eastern Malibu to the schools at the central and western end of town.

Malibu taxpayers will remain on the hook to pay off general obligation bonds sold 15 or 20 years ago that nearly exclusively went to Santa Monica school campuses.

But the taxpayers of each city will be responsible to pay off the bonds from elections…. 

The proposed Joint Powers Agreement calls for day to day management of the district … as it splits in half … will be managed by a committee of 2 members each from Santa Monica and Malibu.

A fifth member will be appointed by those four members.
And the deal calls for the existing Santa Monica based district to start up money to the Malibu school district.

That would be a minimum of 7.5 million dollars both the second and third year of operations of the MUSD.

That money would eventually be repaid by Malibu from property taxes.

Malibu To Get New Planning Commission Chair, As Mazza Reign Ends

Malibu’s Planning Commission will elect a new chairman tonight.

John Mazza’s term as planning chair ends … as scheduled … tonight.

Mazza almost didn’t get to become rotating chair .. a customary honor.

The three member majority on the plkannijgn commission has frequently clashed with Mazza. …. whom they accuse of making repeated questions and comments … overt and o ver again. 

This causes a huge backlog at the commission meetings. 

Tomorrow morning … the Planning Commission has been asked to attend a workshop by the city’s insurance carrier.  

There are rumors that the city may lose its insurance policy if discord and division continues at city council and planning commission meetings. 

Tomorrow at 10 o’clock … the planning commission and all of the other volunteer appointed commissions have been asked to attend a special work session focused on Good Governance and Effective Operations.

All of the city commissions are asked to attend.

City At Other End Of PV Peninsula to Lose Gas and Electric Service

A second city down the coast from Malibu is having a landslide crisis.

Rolling Hills Estates has 35 houses sliding down the steep hills of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. 

The Rolling Hills Estates problem area is five miles away from the landslides down at Rancho Palos Verdes.
34 houses in Rolling Hills Estates will have their natural gas cut off by the Gas Company today. 

SouthernCalifornia Edison is telling 51 households that power to their homes may be cut due to related land movement issues.

This is on the other side of the hill from the Portuguese Bend landslide in Rancho Palos Verdes… 5 miles away.

140 houses lost electrical and gas service last week … plus another 

Trump Owns Golf Course In So Cal Landslide, Now Proposes Federal Aid For It

Presidential candidate Donald Trump motorcaded into the California landslide crisis Friday … promising to fix it. 


“I told John the local mayor, but I told John we’re gonna help him with his slide problem. You know there are ways of fixing that we discussed that he knows better than anybody and he needs help from the federal government needs help from the state government and it’s a very wealthy area.”

The Trump National Golf Course is in the Portuguese Bend landslide area … that is the landslide that is threatening to take out 140 houses. 

Trump well knows that  … because he bought the golf course at a big discount due to its landslide damage.

He did not address the issue of a possible president promising federal bailout money to save his risky real estate investment.

Trump Promises To Turn On (Nonexistent) Water Faucet From Canada

The presidential candidate also promised to solve California’s water shortage … just like he solved it four years ago. 

Trump promised to turn on a giant faucet from Canada.   


“And you know in Los Angeles in Beverly Hills all these rich areas they want to give you like 38 gallons of water to use you buy a house for a lot of money and then you’re allowed to use 38 gallons of water, but they have no water down here and the reason you have no water you have the canals.

“The reason you have no water is because Gavin ‘New-Scum’ didn’t want to do it to have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north with the snowcaps in Canada all pouring down.

“And they have essentially a very large faucet and you turn and you turn in all that water goes into the aimlessly into the Pacific.

“And if they turned it back … all that water would come right down here and right into Los Angeles.”

Here in the real world: there are no canals from Canada to California … not even any canals from Washington state or Oregon… no giant faucet from Canada. 

Trump also said California’s terrible wildfires could be prevented if California if watered our forests. 


“And you have all that water that could be used to water … that is what they call water flow. 

“The land would be damp, and you would stop many of these horrible fires that are costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government, etc. 

“So one thing I’m gonna do for California … vote for me California…  I’m gonna you safety, I’m going to give you a great border and I’m gonna give you more water than almost everybody has.  

“And the water is going to come all the way to Los Angeles and you are going to have more water than you ever saw.

“And maybe more important you’re not going to have illegal immigrants pouring into your country and killing your family.”

Trump promised to cut federal firefighting money …. tax money paid by Californians … cut that money if the state’s governor fails to fall in line with his policies. 

The president of the California Professional Firefighters union said Trump “should be ashamed” of his threat.

Brian K. Rice, president of the California Professional Firefighters … said “his rhetoric is dangerous, his ideas on public safety are dangerous, and his ignorant rhetoric has grown exponentially,”

Aftershock Hits Malibu at 4:22 AM: Magnitude 3.6

A sharp aftershock jolted many in Malibu awake this morning.

It was at 4:22.

It was magnitude 3.6 … and the epicenter was 7 miles beneath Kanan Dume Road at tunnel 1.

It was one of a series of dozens of small aftershocks … see of them above magnitude 3 …. after the 4.7 magnitude main quake four days ago.

It was reportedly felt as far away as Ventura, the San Fernando Valley and Long Beach.

No damage from any of the aftershocks … or the main shock.

[There are no radio stations in the database]