Malibu Beach Inn Really, Really, Really Wants That Traffic Light and Pool

Written by on May 7, 2019

The owners of the Malibu Beach Inn are laying the groundwork for a lawsuit against the city of Malibu … to force acceptance of their plan to put their parking lot across PCH and convert the highway into a part of their business.

They have filed an appeal to the city council … seeking to overturn the Planning Commission’s rejection of the plan.

The appeal points out repeatedly that city staff had recommended approval of the proposal.

The Malibu Beach Inn says that because city bureaucrats approved the concept … the Planning Commission does not have evidentiary support to make their decision.

The owners of the hotel also claim their civil rights were violated … because the city has allowed Nobu … Soho House and Trancas County Market to park cars across a street from their businesses.

The plan by the hotel is to convert their beachfront parking lot into a swimming pool … install a traffic light on PCH within 500 feet of the existing signal at the Malibu Pier … and park cars on the inland side of P C H.

It has generated opposition … bordering on outrage … by many Malibu residents.

Their appeal goes before the city council at some future date.

The hotel lawyers have already said they plan to sue if they lose the appeal.

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