KBUU Newswire – Day 181 – Mon May 6 – Tree Cutting Starts Wed in Zuma Canyon – Fire Warns Of Decorative Fire Dangers – Sober Living Houses Flee Malibu

Written by on May 6, 2019

This is KBUU News – the headlines:

  • =  The city reaches a deal with Southern California Edison over tree trimming.
  • =  300 trees on Bonsall Drive will get trimmed starting Wednesday.
  • =  Fire inspectors this year will concentrate on landscaping … as well as brush.
  • =  Sober living houses flee from Malibu … go over the hill.
  • =  Malibu High’s football team shrinks to 11 players.

Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Tree trimmers will arrive in Zuma Canyon on Wednesday … after the power company and the city have reached an agreement that severe hacking will not happen.  Over the weekend … the city released terms of an agreement that it has struck with Southern California Edison.

Details:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/300-trees-to-get-trimmed-wed/ 

Los Angeles county firefighters say this years brush clearance inspections will be different.

Instead of concentrating on weeds next to houses .. they’ll be looking at decorative bushes abd trees planted by homeowners. Details:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/concentrate-on-decorative-trees/

Sober living houses have fled Malibu and infested neighborhoods over the hill … a largely unseen phenomenon that is an apparent consequence of the Woolsey fire.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/sober-living-houses-flee-malibu/

Malibu High School will drop its regular football team … and move to 8-player football this fall.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/mhs-football-drops-to-8-players/


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))


Brianna Beiler, a senior at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach English to elementary students in South Korea.The Fulbright program, established after World War II, is devoted to increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.Beiler will graduate from Pepperdine this spring with a degree in international relations and Spanish. She is the daughter of Chet and Sharon Beiler, of Manheim Pennsylvania.


Traffic … in 65 seconds … first …


Weather for the Malibu ….

There’s an unusual May rain storm moving in … threatening less than a quarter inch of rain.

The storm has had enough “oomph” to generate maybe a thunderstorm this afternoon,

Highs  ((((   61   )))) beaches … ((((   69    )))) mountains and canyons.

30 percent chance of rain.

Winds off the ocean … up to 25 miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((     7:40   )))).

Rain … if any … ending tonight… low ((((   55  )))) beaches …  ((((     53    )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    mostly sunny   )))).

Another minor rain storm arrives Thursday night … maybe.

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((       )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo Beach …   ((((    57   )))).

Upper Malibu Canyon …  ((((    50    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   50    )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    60    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  2 to 4   )))) feet high ….

Occasional fun sets  … no crowds.

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to Mo.

(((((   High tide is at 11:34 this morning … 5.2 feet.

Low tide will ebb at 4:24.

A big high tide … 7.2 feet … will crest at 10:41 tonight.    ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

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