Edmiston Slams Against Malibu Before Coastal May Have Violated State Laws

Written by on August 13, 2018

Some Malibu residents are left very unhappy … after a sleight of hand by the Mountain Recreation and Conservation Authority left them public shamed at the California Coastal Commission last week.

Without placing the matter on the agenda …. the Coastal Commission took testimony from Joe Edmiston … the M R C A executive director.

Edmiston appeared in smokey bear hat and uniform as a member of the general public … and showed a video to boast about thwarting the City of Malibu prohibition on campgrounds … by opening a campground in Ramirez Canyon … 20 feet outside the city limits.

Edmiston also talked trash about the Sycamore Park homeowners … whom he has sued for 10 million dollars each.

Edmiston appeared before the Coastal Commissin as a representaitve of M R C A … and the M R C A is affiliated with the Coastal Conservancy and thus the California Coastal Commission.

State law forbids testimony on matters from government officials … unless it is on the agenda … so that both sides are able to attend and speak.

Edmiston and his campground were not on the agenda. 

KBUU has asked the Coastal Commission for comment on this … we do not expect an answer but we will bring you one if we get it.

The MRCA does not return our emails.

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