Criminal Case For 3 Malibu Fire Deaths Still Open Against SCE, As PGE Pleads Guilty To 84 Manslaughters

Written by on June 17, 2020

Yesterday …. in a courtroom 500 miles north of Malibu …the president of Pacific Gas and Electric entered a guilty plea to manslaughter on behalf of his electric company.

This comes as the similar criminal probe against Southern California Edison  . for its role in the deadly Woolsey Fire … continues.

Three people were killed in Malibu … and in the same series of electrically-caused fires ….

… 84 people were killed in California’s most devastating wildfire.

The P G and E president…. , Bill Johnson … told the judge that he had heard “pain and anguish” from the families of the 84 people who were killed by Pa ific gas and Electric’s negligence … and cost cutting.

The P G and E president told the judge …  “No words from me can ever reduce the magnitude of that devastation,” he added.

And the criminal case against the northern California utility company that caused the fire that killed 84 people in Paradise may echo in Malibu.

The Butte County prosecutor … Mike Ramsey … said this yesterday up in Chico.


Here in Malibu … poorly maintained Southern California Edison power lines fell down 25 miles north of Malibu … and sparked the Woolsey Fire.

Two people were found dead in a vehicle on Mulholland Highway in Malibu.

Rescuers were unable to reach the victims … due to downed power lines.

A third victim was discovered in Lobo Canyon … just off Kanan-Dume Road.

Ventura County homicide detectives are still investigating the Woolsey Fire.

Civil lawsuits for damages have been delayed because of that.

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