Malibu California

Page: 97

= Car over a cliff on Rambla Pacifico. Three people hospitalized. = A little good news in Los Angeles County … deaths and hospitalizations are settling down. = A new brushfire 30 miles north of Malibu may cause smog. = Malibu is funneling some federal dollars to local businesses … in a lottery. = And […]

Malibu High School will be very different this fall … even different from last spring. The school … like others in the U-S .. lurched into distance learning with very little preparation. And in the eyes of some parents … it was a disaster. Principal Patrick Miller told parents on Friday that the Spring model […]

Malibu’s city clerk has rejected the nominating petitions from Alia Ollikainen … for being one name short of the required 20 names of valid registered voters. Ollikainen has demanded that the city clerk reverse the decision … and put her name in the ballot. The want-to-be candidate says she will see what City Hall’s response […]

One person is dead … following a car crash and small brush fire in Malibu Canyon last night. It was the second fire of the day in Malibu Canyon. The fatality and small fire were discovered a few minutes before 9 … just across from the Hughes Research Lab near the Malibu city limit. It […]

From F-M 99.1 … KBUU News … the Monday Headlines: = A third person in Malibu dies of COVID-19. = A car over the side … a fire … and a fatality in Malibu Canyon last night . = The “Rockpool” brushfire is essentially out at 75 acres. = RV parking ban to be discussed […]

One candidate has failed to make the Malibu city council ballot, after her nominating petition came up with 19 valid voters on it, instead of the required 20. Alia Ollinkainen, a Malibu teacher, had six names rejected because they were not currently registered voters, she said last night in a Facebook posting. She was the […]

Compton and Claremont are enforcing mask rules now … with fines for not wearing masks in public. Malibu is moving slowly and cautiously towards a mask ordinance. Despite the fact that cities all around Malibu have enacted fines for failure to wear a mask in public. … Malibu is inching towards such an ordinance with […]

Parents at the four Malibu public schools have together raised 38 thousand dollars for student enrichment programs … leaving a huge gap that has been partially filled in by the Malibu Foundation. The latest data from the school district shows that the Foundation will make a one-time donation of 160 thousand dollars to the Malibu […]

It will cost developer Norm Haynie an extra 200 thousand dollars if he wants to convert an office building and abandoned gas station into a luxury hotel. And the money cannot be earmarked for the Boys and Girls Club … but will have to go to the city treasury …  and then maybe the Boys […]

= The LA County death toll crosses 5 thousand. = But Malibu is moving ever so slowly towards requiring masks. = The fundraising drive to save Malibu science and technology and teachers aids sputters to an end. = It will cost a developer an extra 200 thousand dollars if he wants to speed up city […]

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