Malibu California

Page: 9

New Yorker Reporter May Have Found The Man Who Killed Mitrice Richardson, 15 Years Ago, In Malibu Canyon A major development in the 15 year old disappearance of Mitrice Richardson.  A writer for the New Yorker magazine has identified a suspect in what may be the murder of Mitrice Richardson … a Los Angeles woman […]

MALIBU MAN WINS OLYMPIC SILVER AFTER BARELY MAKING SKATEBOARD TEAM In Paris … Malibu native Tom Schaar won the silver medal for freestyle skateboarding at the Olympics yesterday. Here’s the feed from Paris … and the interview on the NBC Nightly News …  70468 NBC AUDIO NEWSGUY:  Over at skateboarding, Tom Schaar barely made the […]

Southern California Edison says it has achieved major success , after five years of watching how its new insulation coverings have performed on overhead power lines. But the company is now moving to much-more expensive underground power lines, in other areas it is protecting against flashovers and downed lines in high winds. A spokesman, Reggie […]

LA County Holds Make Or Break Hearing On Malibu School District On Short Notice All of a sudden… with less than 48 hours notice… and with many parents out of town on summer vacation … LA County has scheduled a make or break public hearing on the proposed separate Mal;olbu Unified School District. Tomorrow morning […]

Silverstein Is Ninth Potential City Council Candidate Bruce Silverstein has pulled a petition to run for a second term. He joins incumbents Paul Grisanti and Steve Uhring in seeking re-election. There is a crowded field this year … running for the three seats. Six newcomers are also seeking the three seats … plus the three […]

Board Approves Huge Bond Issue, Backers Say It Is Supported By Malibu Voters The school board down there last night approved putting a 395 million dollar construction bond issue before Malibu voters this fall.  If approved … this property tax raised in Malibu would have to be spent in Malibu … whether or not Malibuy […]

=.  Major policy and personnel changes at Malibu City Hall. =.  City staff will no longer offer conclusions about whether projects meet city codes. =.  Decision makers will be on their own… This after commission staff came under heavy fire recently. =.  An interim planner is hired to replace Richard Mollica …an assistant director too.  […]

Caltrans Officials Talking Bike Lanes And Center Dividers on PCH, As They Listen To Malibu State surveyors are measuring the property lines along PCH in eastern Malibu … as Caltrans is asking the public how to squeeze in pedestrian and bicycle accommodations onto the limited width of the highway. The question … where exactly does […]

Caltrans Entertains Ideas To Calm PCH, State Mentions a ‘Pacific Coast Boulevard’ One person thinks a 65 mile an hour speed limit on PCH is the answer.  Others want 35 mph signs in the business section of Malibu. Caltrans wants to know whatever other ideas the general public has. Tonight from 6 to 8 … […]

Search Warrants Signed To Seize Evidence Against Summer Wheaton For PCH Murder The case against Summer Wheaton, the Los Angeles woman who was apparently responsible for the death of a man on PCH after the booze-soaked July 4 Nobu party, is being investigated deliberately, by the book, a sheriff’s official said Monday. Yesterday, detectives obtained […]

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