Malibu California
Page: 76
= Malibu’s congressman is one of three democrats sponsoring a second bill of impeachment against Donald Trump. = Los Robles Regional Medical Center … closest to Zuma Beach … has brought in a morgue trailer. = Tests for COVID 19 in Malibu are on hold … bogged down by paperwork. = The homeless camp in Tuna […]
= The crisis worsens. Hospitals are overflowing. = One in 17 people in LA County are infected … the worst in the world. = The city apologies for screwing up … and telling more than a thousand homeowners that they were violating clean water laws with their septic systems. = Santa Monica Malibu school board […]
The Malibu Planning Commission Monday night came up against a hard question, with some of the members feeling that a particular lot in the Big Rock area is so dangerous that no house can be built on it. Landslide dangers are the problem … at least for two city planning commissioners … who worry that […]
Oscar de la Torre still sit on the Santa Moncia Malibu school board?? He claims he does. The rest of the school board says he’s gone. De la Torre was elected to a seat on the Santa Monica City Council last November. But his term on the school board was thru 2022. Or is thru […]
From FM 99.1 KBUU, the Malibu news headlines for Tuesday Jan. 5 = Hospitals are overloaded … and the surge on top of the surge on top of the surge is getting worse. = is there a a flattening of the curve … or is it just a holiday blip in the testing? = 33 […]
The LA County Sheriff is not releasing details … but they say Malibu was one of five places where a New Year’s Eve party was busted for violating County Public health orders against possible super spreaders events. The sheriff announced that his Super-Spreader Task Force conducted operations at five separate locations across the County of […]
L A County paramedics are no longer taking some very sick patients to hospitals. Overloaded hospitals and backed up emergency wards are the problem. For example .. heart attack victims who are not responding to resuscitation efforts will be left for the coroner. A memo from the Emergency Medical Services Agency of Los Angeles County […]
A battle unlike anything we have ever seen is shaping up at the Malibu city council. Two new city council members now propose to give themselves subpoena power to investigate alleged corruption at City Hall. But the third newly elected city council member has introduced proposal of his own … apparently aimed at the so-called […]
= Paramedics are ordered to stop taking people near death … to hospitals. = A New Years Eve super spreader event is shut down in Malibu. = An evangelist moves his crusade out of Malibu at the last minute. = Two city council members want the city manager to record and transcribe every conversation. = […]
Bodies are piling up at local hospitals. A possible superspreader event … coming to a Malibu beach this afternoon. Religious evangelicals and local residents fight in downtown Los Angeles. The governor comes up with a plan to reopen elementary schools. But the plan requires Covid tests for teachers and kids every two weeks … plus […]