Malibu California

Page: 46

It was after midnight this morning when the city council took up the Wagner Affidavit Investigative Report. And by a unanimous vote … the council voted 5 to nothing to approve releasing the 100 thousand dollar investigation … done by a pair of attorneys brought in as independent researchers.  The affidavit was sworn out by […]

Malibu will not send a letter to the school board in Santa Monica to oppose mandatory vaccinations against Covid 19 for school children.  88 people signed up to speak at last night’s Malibu city council meeting … to oppose any possible mandate for vaccinating school kids against the Covid 19 pandemic. And the city council […]

=. Malibu may be cold and fogged in overnight … but it is blowing and warm up the hill. =. 88 people in line to testify against mandatory kid vaccinations at the local schools. =. The city council has no jurisdiction … and decides not to try to tell the school board what to do. […]

=.   Not one but two Malibu city council meetings this afternoon and tonight. =.   Pity the poor Edison guy who has to explain the power outages to the city council … tonight at 6.  =.   The death toll in Santa Monica takes a sudden spike … 5 killed in the past week. […]

Santa Anas arrived in Western Malibu at 3:47 p.m. Wednesday, and the predicted strong winds threatened to pay havoc with cooking Thanksgiving feasts from the Civic Center area west to Point Mugu. Southern California Edison warned that power could be shut off if winds make continued delivery hazardous. Circuits from the ocean to Mulholland Highway, […]

Entire newscast posted later this morning. =. Blackout warnings extended to all of Malibu west of the Civic Center for tonight and Thanksgiving. =. What may be the strongest Santa Ana winds of the season are due to hit … starting tonight. =. Plan now … power may be switched off in the middle of […]

=.  If you live near Paradise Cove and need electricity to cook … make alternate Thanksgiving plans.  =.  Winds up to 55 might trigger more intentional blackouts from Southern California Edison. =.  Edison says it has reduced intentional power outages 93 percent.  Try cooking your turkey on that promise.  =. Santa Monica’s mayor says she […]

=.  Red Flag Warnings likely Sunday and Monday … but no power cuts planned in Malibu. =. 14 employees are fired by the Santa Monica Malibu School District ,,, vaccine refusal suspected.  =.  A Malibu lawyer may short circuit the school district independence drive,. =   Kevin Shenkman files a petition to give Malibu a […]

REPORT UPDATED AT 4:40PM FRIDAY WITH SMMUSD CONFIRMATION: 13 EMPLOYEES WERE FIRED FOR COVID 19 VACCINATION FAILURE. 14 employees of the Santa Monica Malibu school district were fired last night.  An unprecedented action. No reasons were given last night … no reasons can be given publicly under privacy laws. But today .. a district spokeswoman […]

=. Red Flag Warnings likely Sunday and Monday … but no power cuts planned for Malibu. =. 14 employees are fired by the Santa Monica Malibu School District …vaccine refusal suspected. =. A Malibu lawyer may short circuit the school district independence drive … = Kevin Shenkman files a petition to give Malibu a voting […]

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