Malibu California

Page: 104

= Malibu COVID cases go up again. = The L-A County sheriff has yet one more minor scandal in his command staff. = Caltrans plans to keep four lanes open as it tears down the Trancas bridge. = But no room for bikes on the road… for two years. = A notorious You Tube jerk […]

So many things happened at Monday’s city council meeting that we could not possibly squeeze them all into Monday’s newscast. Bonnie Blue, the Malibu city planning director for about 5 years, will resign and move to Florida. She wants to be with family. The issue of a new luxury Hotel in the middle of Malibu […]

In 1926 … the state Highway Department built a bridge across Trancas Lagoon. Just after World War 2 … the state widened that two lane bridge … into the structure that’s there now. The concrete is crumbling. The supports are so shallow that there are electronic sensors on the bridge … feeding data via satellite […]

As we’re reported … Malibu schools will reopen this fall with distance learning only. No classroom instruction. Only computers … books and study packets. The decision …. says the superintendent Ben Drati … is driven on medicine and science. He says he had been planning to open with a hybrid of in-person … classroom instruction […]

If you are not sick … but just wondering if you have COVID-19 … please do -not- get tested. Five months into this nightmare … once again … there are not enough tests to go around. Save the tests for those who need them. Thats the new message from the State of California …. The […]

LATE WORD:  The California Coastal Commission today unanimously rejected a retired attorney from Malibu’s arguments against widening Civic Center Way. Bruce Silverstein had argued that the road could not be reconstructed for pedestrian and bicycle safety … and a hilltop curve removed.  He said the road was too close to an environmentally-sensitive marsh. By a […]

A battle between the Malibu Planning Commission and staff at City Hall over the size of a beachfront mansion will spill over to the Malibu City Council on Monday. At issue is a proposed remodel of a bluff-top house along the coast on PCH west of Broadbeach. The proposal was rejected by the planning commissioners […]

The Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District has had some of its bond ratings lowered by the Moody’s Investor Service ratings agency. And that may be the first signs of increased expense for the school district … as it sells bonds to pay for construction projects in Malibu and Santa Monica. In a report issued […]

P C H may finally be getting a right turn lane at Trancas. The City of Malibu has convinced Caltrans that cars slowing down to turn into the Trancas County Market … and onto Trancas Canyon Road … need to get out of 50 mile per hour plus traffic. Side note … a pickup truck […]

= A heat wave … highs above 100 over the hill tomorrow … expect crowds at the beach. = 109 cases of COVID now in Malibu and the Santa Monica Mountains. = The governor’s plans for gearing up for fires seem to ignore L A County. = A right turn lane at Trancas Market may […]

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