Beaches Stay Closed, Trails May Reopen Under First Phase of Loosening Of COVID Restrictions

Written by on May 7, 2020


“Life is not going to be going back to the way it was before.”

That’s Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti … explaining LA County’s phase 1 loosening of the public health order scheduled to expire in a week.

Starting tomorrow … a few businesses will be allowed to resume selling their products to the public.

But only through curbside delivery.

Trails are going to be reopened … in very limited ways.

It’s up to each individual government agency that owns the land … as to which trails are reopened when the county wide public health order allows trails to be reopened tomorrow.

It’s not clear yet if trails in the Santa Monica Mountains will be open.

That’s up to the MRCA … California State Parks … and US National Park Service.

In the City of Los Angeles … almost all trails will reopen Friday.

The big exception being the Runyon Canyon Trail in Hollywood … which is as busy as the escalators at Beverly Center on a typical day.

But in Malibu … Bluffs Park … the city park at Malibu High School … trancas Canyon Park … all remain closed as of now.


The City of Malibu is following the Los Angeles County public health rules as a city ordinance.

And the county has announced the very first steps in easing stay-at-home rules that have slowed the spread of coronavirus.

Florists and stores that sell toys, music, books, clothing and sporting goods — will be allowed to be open for curbside pickup only.

In-store shopping will not be permitted.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says the regional situation is still very not good.


“This virus continues to threaten off of us here in Los Angeles.

“Each day don’t ever forget those number that I announce – and that you hear from the county – are human lives.

“People who we know and have loved who are now gone because of this.

“We’re not moving beyond COVID 19 but we are learning to live with it.

“I know a lot of us don’t want to … but we have no choice.”

Los Angeles County today has 28 thousand 644 confirmed cases of COVID 19.

And we have a confirmed death count of 1367.

Malibu is steady at 31 cases of the disease.

Ventura County … 608 cases and 71 deaths.

[There are no radio stations in the database]