Author: 991KBU
Page: 67
Malibu High School is welcoming its students back on campus today. School will start at 1 o’clock … a 90 minute orientation session for the return of actual classes afetr spring break. And there will be severe health procedures. Students will have to take a daily health assessment at home … done by parents. After […]
= A back to school day like never before at Malibu High today. = Students welcomed back after 54 weeks at home … = Kids will be greeted by a masked person taking their temperature and looking at their health status. = And after 54 weeks … expect heavy traffic on Morning View Drive … […]
The longstanding effort by the owners of the Malibu Beach Inn … to move their parking lot across PCH to make way for a swimming pool …. got shot down at Malibu City Hall last night. The city council rejected the idea of allowing a business to have parking valets crossing back and forth across […]
The issue of a rewrite of the city council policies landed with a giant thud at the Malibu City Council yesterday. Two new city councilmembers have demanded what they call an injection of transparency and honesty at city hall. Three other city council members really don’t like that description … or the details of the […]
= The Malibu Beach Inn gets shot down in its request to move its parking lot across PCH. = The rewrite of the Malibu city policy book lands with little explanation … and a resulting giant thud … at City Hall. = The City of LA is the place to go for a hard to […]
In Malibu … the rate of new Covid 19 infections has been too low to reliably calculate for nearly two weeks now. No new infections reported in Malibu over the weekend. But there remains a glitch in the system being used to make appointments for eligible people to get vaccinated. Both the state’s centralized vacination […]
The regular Sunday evening chaos on Pacific Coast Highway grew violent Sunday night … when a bobtail truck’s driver smashed through slow traffic while being chased by sheriff’s deputies. At least five cars were sideswiped in the police chase … during the 5 p-m hour. It may have started in Malibu … where the truck […]
= Ventura County continues to reject Malibu residents with valid vaccination appointments. = A VC official tells KBUU that the “Ventura Locals Only” vaccine policy will continue. = A hijacked box truck leaves a trail of wrecked cars in Malibu before wiping out near Camarillo. = The feds say schoolkids can be three feet apart […]
Some big changes proposed in the way Malibu city hall is run … including the possibility of an official censure resolution aimed at disruptive councilmembers. Two city council members propose junking the accumulation of city council policies that have been added to a list of official city policies over the last 29 years. Council members […]
More than 150 residents of Los Angeles County have been turned away from vaccination appointments recently in Ventura County … right next door to Malibu. This … despite being sent to vaccination centers or pharmacies by the state appointment system. Ventura County is enforcing an order that only Ventura County residents can get vaccinated. But […]