Author: 991KBU

Page: 56

= The sheriff says he is sending deputies into the canyons above Malibu to confront squatters. = The Santa Monica police chief of cannot understand why the sheriff is talking about sending deputies into the third Street Promenade. = This … while serious crime in the LA sheriff area is up … way up … […]

= People who refuse to be vaccinated are incredibly selfish … says our county supervisor. = Coronavirus cases are up 500 percent and growing … all of them not vaccinated. = A major screwup in warning the public about that big sewage spill at Hyperion. = Caltrans reveals plans to widen PCH to make room […]

Malibu’s city council Monday night set up – but failed to appoint members – to a commission aimed at guiding city pollcy towards homeless persons, on the same night that firefighters described an imminent hazard from a large homeless camp in the canyons of eastern Malibu. There’s some confusion between the fire department … and […]

= Two more coronavirus cases in Malibu … city hall will remain off limits during public meetings. = Eight homeless camps are spotted just below where a cooking fire exploded into a brushfire last week. = The city is failing … one city council member says … as a committee is appointed to study the […]

= Seven new Coronavirus cases reported in Malibu … as the variant victims are younger and younger. = The sheriff bypasses Santa Monica officials, and talks about deploying deputies at the Promenade. = We still don’t know if a nearby homeless encampment sparked that Tuna Canyon Fire. = Two Malibu city councilmembers met with the […]

= Brushfire in the hills east of Malibu … apparently from a homeless camp. = Five acres … burning up a steep hillside towards Topanga Canyon Blvd … no structures within a mile. = About one third of the homeless encampments on Venice has been cleared. = Malibu residents asked to conserve water … and […]

= A hillside house near Getty Villa burns to the ground … but does not spread to the brush. = Unvaccinated people may be catching the COVID 19 from those who have taken the vaccine. = Public health says decisions to refuse vaccination are coming from informed people being fed misinformation. = The sheriff’s office […]

KBUU and KBU2 are back on the air with normal programming, after a power supply problem at a microwave relay was repaired. = Death toll in Malibu is now 8 … and 7 new Covid cases diagnosed. = The vaccination rate here officially 59 percent … but may actually be in the mid 60s. = […]

= The 101 Freeway is open this morning … a bomb scare involving fireworks closed it overnight. = The crackdown at Venice Beach is pushing homeless persons up the beach towards Malibu. = A crackdown on RVs is pushing toy haulers down the beach towards Malibu. = The sheriff says crime is up .. serious […]

KBUU Malibu’s ONLY Daily News – Thu Jul 1 = The Fourth of July weekend could be another superspreader weekend … amongst nonvaccinated people. = City officials say they think the MRCA may be in code violation at La Costa Beach. = Like that has ever stopped the MRCA from opening parks in Malibu without […]

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