Author: 991KBU
Page: 54
Santa Monica-Malibu school superintendent Ben Drati has a vow. NEWSCART 73690 DRATI VOW “We are coming back full time. OK??? We are coming back full time.” And the school superintendent says that for schools to reopen and operate this fall … his teachers and principals and nurses need tools. Masks … and Covid tests. This […]
= Westward beach Road is washing out again near the Planet Of The Apes rock. = The city of LA says – duh – a homeless camp on PCH next to Malibu is not such a good idea. = Sheriff’s deputies are supposedly going to start cracking down on homeless camps in the mountains today. […]
he Malibu City Council bickered over the agenda (see accompanying story last night) before pushing aside every single agenda item save one: the proposed conversion of a Billionaire’s Beach office building into a luxury hotel. Then, it was unable to finish that hearing … as the meeting dissolved into nastiness after midnight. The proposal is […]
The chief sheriff’s lieutenant for Malibu snapped back at allegations that the former city manager has ordered sheriff’s deputies not to enforce the anti-camping ordinance … some city hall intrigue that set the tone for a meeting that at times was nasty. The meeting saw city councilman Bruce Silverstein step up to make a quick […]
= L A county supervisors will likely approve urgent plans today to get homeless people out of the Santa Monica Mountains. = The sheriff’s lieutenant in charge of Malibu asks why the city has not taken similar steps over the last three years. = Bitter nastiness at the city council … a city councilman gets […]
Another Malibu resident has died of Covid. Over the weekend … the death count … kept of residents of the City of Malibu …. crept up one … from 8 to 9. And the City of Malibu has announced a Covd-19 breakout among city employees …. presumably working at City Hall. As for the death […]
= The Malibu Covid 19 death toll goes up by one … over the weekend. = Several workers at Malibu City Hall have the disease … but we do not know if this is a workplace outbreak. = No word form the city what department is affected … or if other employees or members of […]
KBUU RADIO NEWS 3:04PM SAT The superintendent of the local school district is asking the school board to require all staff to be vaccinated, and every person to wear masks, on SMMUSD campuses this fall. Dr. Ben Drati is also recommending that the entire student population and all employees be tested for Covid 19 on […]
= The city of Malibu may be a public nuisance … with weeds on its land. = A public safety commissioner says the parks commission doesn’t want weeds cut at Trancas. = Hot weather next week may push Malibu over the edge into critical fire danger. = Edison is asking for higher rates to pay […]
= L A County orders sheriffs deputies … firefighters … and other county employees to get vaccinated. = The sheriff had opposed the mask mandate … but yesterday stopped short of opposing the mandatory vaccines. = Nine more coronavirus cases in the Malibu area … SMC will require vaccines. = A man mowed down and […]