Author: 991KBU

Page: 51

= One person hit and injured by a car … but the Triathlon is deemed a success. = A few parents are really angry over the SMMUSD vaccination decision. = That horrible Malibu smog last week can be blamed partly on dozens of ships anchored off the ports. = Bright lights and big delays on […]

= Mandatory vaccines – a good idea for Malibu school kids – says the school board on a 6-1 vote. = The lone vote against it – Craig Foster – says SMMUSD has no business telling you what to stick in your kid’s arm. = Lanes will start closing at 6:45 tomorrow morning … as […]

= Walking down the beach to Point Dume is supposedly off limits for six more weeks. = Hospitals may be in critical condition in Fresno and Bakersfield .. two anti-vax hotbeds. = Malibu is one of the few cities not requiring employee vaccinations. = Alex Villanueva has a secret sheriff’s unit investigating political enemies … […]

The City of Malibu spent $11 million to buy Trancas Field, a large vacant lot west of Trancas Canyon Road. But since closing the deal in 2016, it has sat vacant, with the city unable to even come up with a plan for the plot. And now, the ravine in the center of Trancas Field […]

The Tik Tok vandalism fad has spread nationwide … and to Malibu High School. Principals Melissa Andino and Patrick Miller sent a letter to parents … starting with regret. Multiple instances of graffiti, destruction, and theft to school buildings … most particularly … restrooms. The principals say it may have been one person … or […]

= Bathrooms in Malibu High’s new classroom wing get hit by Tik Tok vandals. = The school principals are asking parents to check with their kids … who did this?? = The city parks commission is divided about what to do with invasive weeds in a ravine. = Alex Villanueva is telling the commission with […]

Thirty-three students and staff at Malibu Elementary school on Point Dume are staying home … in quarantine … due to Covid 19. And 20 students and staff at Webster Elementary School are in quarantine … as well. But only one positive test result has been detected at each of the schools … Malibu Elementary and […]

= 54 kids in Malibu elementary schools are in Covid quarantine or isolation. = As Pfizer says its vaccine is safe for kids … the school district tomorrow will consider mandatory vaccinations. = Westward Beach Road angle parking may delay traffic … and may go under water … = But those plans move ahead at […]

A county committee Saturday refused a Santa Monica request to kill an independent Malibu school district, but afterward, officials in both cities embraced a potential settlement. The LA County Office of Education’s special committee voted 8-2 to have its staff examine the issue further, after rejecting an effort by the lone committee member from Santa […]

= Malibu may be closer to an agreement with SM for independence. = Malibu’s lawyer repeats – we will accept terms for school district independence set by Santa Monica in 2018. = The president of the Santa Monica board says that’s news to him … and if so … let’s sign the deal today. = […]

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