Author: 991KBU

Page: 156

In news from up the coast … the nearest fossil fuel power plant to Malibu may get a new lease on life. Just 20 miles upwind of Malibu … the Ormond Beach steam power plant is supposed to be shut off for good next year. It’s the closest big air polluter to Malibu … and […]

In Sacramento today … officials from Southern California Edison are scheduled to appear before state legislators today. The issue of turning off power to large areas of California … when they are most vulnerable to disaster during high winds … is finally getting legislative attention. S C E may be the luckiest company in the […]

L A County fire chief Daryl Osby says he is willing to consider some sort of civilian firefighting certification and training. In an interview with KBUU News … the fire chief acknowledges that there was a  lengthy evacuation and largely successful firefighting efforts by volunteers who ignored mandatory evacuation orders. The fire chief tells KBUU […]

Malibu city manager Reva Feldman had her job performance review last week. It was a special city council meeting … called for the purpose of evaluating her job performance behind closed doors. A small but vocal number of Malibu residents is opposed to keeping her in charge of the 100 employees at malibu City Hall. […]

=  Malibu gets a 100 percent settlement from Southern California Edison. =  13 point 7 million dollars to reimburse the city for Woolsey Fire damage. =  Private property owners might take comfort in that … it may be a precedent for settlements with the rest of us. =  Malibu comes up with a list of […]

Caltrans officials say they will address the issue of blacked out traffic lights during intentional power outages … by putting reflective yellow tape on their traffic light backplates. The backplates are those metal rectangles behind the traffic signals … designed to make the red green and amber lights visually stand out. Caltrans tells KBUU News […]

Twelve months after the fire … Malibu City Hall has finally come up with a proposed ordinance on planting dangerous landscaping in fire country. The ordinance may be too late. Many landowners have already replaced old burned out flammable vegetation with new fire-prone flammable vegetation. The Planning Commission will take its first look at the […]

Fire victims in Malibu are asking “what does this mean for us???” after the Southern California Edison company has agreed to pay out massive damage settlements with local governments. 360 million dollars will be paid to 23 cities and counties … money the ciies and counties spent paid out to fight recent fires and floods […]

=    Impeachment hearings have begun … Malibu’s congressman is at the center. =   The city receives and files 53 recommendations to improve its response in major fires. =   Malibu’s mayor points out that city actions cannot be lumped in with agencies that it cannot control. =   And the Malibu boys soccer team […]

You would think that a plan to give some teeth to the City of Malibu’s enforcement of coastal protection laws would be supported by other local government agencies.  You would be wrong. Joe Edmiston sent his MRCA lawyer down to Malibu City Hall last night … to oppose a proposal to allow Malibu zoning inspectors […]

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