Author: 991KBU

Page: 155

The California Public Utilities Commission yesterday held a hearing on why cell phones and lan lines fail during power outages. California’s catastrophic fire dangers and blackouts have laid bare a problem that officials have been worrying about for years: There are no federal or state requirement that telecom companies provide backup power … or service […]

Southern California Edison has troubles with its powerlines … which have caused the the big fires including the one that devoured Malibu. Now comes report about the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power … and its creaky overhead power lines. DWP’s powerlines don’t come any closer to Malibu than the LA city limits. But […]

The concept of building a seawater desalinization plant that would serve Malibu and other Westside cities go before the Malibu city council on Monday. Some surfer groups and other environmentalists are strongly opposed to the project. The proposed desalination project would be located down the coast … south of L A X. It would draw […]

=   Surf is up. Cloudy and 70 percent chance of rain. =   Thunderstorms still possible for Malibu at midday. =   Power is back on in Malibu West … after a long night in the dark. =   Southern California Edison fails to explain why it intentionally shut off the power last month. […]

Southern California Edison yesterday issued its official report on the first big intentional power outage to Malibu. And the utility failed. It was last October 30th … during a moderate but not severe Santa Ana  … when powered to about 1000 Malibu businesses and residences was shut off on Point Dume and near Paradise Cove. […]

=   A strange little rainstorm is headed our way … a thunderstorm is possible. =   Worried about blackouts??? Southern California Edison has the full faith and confidence of Malibu’s state senator. =    The fire chief wants to train citizen firefighters … so why isn’t that happening?? =   Palm trees may be […]

Malibu city officials are being prodded to work out some sort f three way deal with the sheriff and fire departments on the issue of fire evacuations … and citizen firefighting. That comes one day after L A County Fire Chief Osby said he was open to some sort of formal training … outfitting … […]

Southern California Edison escaped any serious criticism yesterday … when a state legislative committee examined power blackouts as a fire prevention tool. Lawmakers saved their anger for P G and E … the northern California utility that blacked out millions of people earlier this fall. P G and E was attacked for unnecessarily cutting power […]

=  Heat continues … but the Santa Anas will back off today. Rain maybe midweek. =  Reva Feldman’s job performance is reviewed … no change to report. =   LA County’s fire chief tells KBUU that citizens need to be trained to stay behind in the next big fire. =  Southern California Edison gets grilled […]

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