Author: 991KBU

Page: 139

California’s primary election results are still being tabulated. Long lines to vote greeted Malibu voters at Bluffs Park yesterday. Ones were not so bad at one Cabrillo elementary school … the only other voting center in Malibu. But across LA County some voters needed to wait three hours to cast their ballots. The county registrar […]

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva ducked questions last night about the chain of firings and promotions that have occurred at Malibu’s regional sheriff’s station since his installation 15 months ago. Villanueva appeared before about 200 people at a community forum in Calabasas. The sheriff was questioned by several Malibu residents about the series of […]

This is KBUU News – Day 481 – the Wednesday Headlines: = Long lines to vote in Malibu … officials apologize. = The fire department tax goes down to a big defeat. = Sheriff Alex Villanueva is confronted by Malibu residents over the spinning revolving door at our sheriff’s station. = Malibu is asking the […]

=   Sheriff Alex Villanueva personally ordered the destruction of evidence. =   The LA Times reports that the sheriff told deputies to remove photos of the Kobe Bryant deaths scene from their cameras =  Zuma Beach may become a parking place for homeless persons. =  Pepperdine is evacuating its students from Europe to the […]

The owners of the trailer park at Paradise Cove they have learned the hard way you have to have a city permit to build a project. A complete reconstruction of the trailer park’s two sewage treatment centers began more than two years ago … but got hit with a stop work order from city inspectors. […]

The owners of Nobu are proposing a partial solution to the traffic knot in front of their popular restaurants. Their traffic engineer proposes prohibiting left turns from P C H into the parking lot for Nobu and its neighbor … the Soho Little Beach House. And that would mean patrons heading from L-A to the […]

Several hundred Pepperdine University students studying in Germany and Switzerland are having their foreign semesters canceled. The study abroad programs are part of every Pepperdine undergraduates’ program. But the Covid-19 virus has caused the university to cancel the programs in Heidelberg Germany and Lausanne Switzerland in the middle of the semester. The Students will be […]

The Los Angeles Times has further details about what can only be described as shocking misconduct by sheriff’s deputies at the Malibu-Lost Hills sheriff’s station … and of a clumsy cover-up attempt by the sheriff himself. And the sheriff is meeting with the public tonight in Calabasas – although his department is accidentally sending people […]

This is KBUU News – Day 480 – the Tuesday Headlines = Sheriff Alex Villanueva personally ordered the destruction of evidence. = The LA Times reports that the sheriff told deputies to remove photos of the Kobe Bryant deaths scene from their cameras = Zuma Beach may become a parking place for homeless persons. = […]

This is KBUU News – Day 479  – the Monday Headlines: =   Hassle free voting continues in Malibu … deadline 8 p-m tomorrow. =   Reva Feldman gets told by the sheriff … no … =   The city manager is removed from the panel picking the next police chief for the city of […]

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