After the Woolsey Fire: Community Resources
Page: 156
Southern California Edison yesterday issued its official report on the first big intentional power outage to Malibu. And the utility failed. It was last October 30th … during a moderate but not severe Santa Ana … when powered to about 1000 Malibu businesses and residences was shut off on Point Dume and near Paradise Cove. […]
= A strange little rainstorm is headed our way … a thunderstorm is possible. = Worried about blackouts??? Southern California Edison has the full faith and confidence of Malibu’s state senator. = The fire chief wants to train citizen firefighters … so why isn’t that happening?? = Palm trees may be […]
Malibu city officials are being prodded to work out some sort f three way deal with the sheriff and fire departments on the issue of fire evacuations … and citizen firefighting. That comes one day after L A County Fire Chief Osby said he was open to some sort of formal training … outfitting … […]
Southern California Edison escaped any serious criticism yesterday … when a state legislative committee examined power blackouts as a fire prevention tool. Lawmakers saved their anger for P G and E … the northern California utility that blacked out millions of people earlier this fall. P G and E was attacked for unnecessarily cutting power […]
= Heat continues … but the Santa Anas will back off today. Rain maybe midweek. = Reva Feldman’s job performance is reviewed … no change to report. = LA County’s fire chief tells KBUU that citizens need to be trained to stay behind in the next big fire. = Southern California Edison gets grilled […]
In news from up the coast … the nearest fossil fuel power plant to Malibu may get a new lease on life. Just 20 miles upwind of Malibu … the Ormond Beach steam power plant is supposed to be shut off for good next year. It’s the closest big air polluter to Malibu … and […]
In Sacramento today … officials from Southern California Edison are scheduled to appear before state legislators today. The issue of turning off power to large areas of California … when they are most vulnerable to disaster during high winds … is finally getting legislative attention. S C E may be the luckiest company in the […]
L A County fire chief Daryl Osby says he is willing to consider some sort of civilian firefighting certification and training. In an interview with KBUU News … the fire chief acknowledges that there was a lengthy evacuation and largely successful firefighting efforts by volunteers who ignored mandatory evacuation orders. The fire chief tells KBUU […]
Malibu city manager Reva Feldman had her job performance review last week. It was a special city council meeting … called for the purpose of evaluating her job performance behind closed doors. A small but vocal number of Malibu residents is opposed to keeping her in charge of the 100 employees at malibu City Hall. […]
= Malibu gets a 100 percent settlement from Southern California Edison. = 13 point 7 million dollars to reimburse the city for Woolsey Fire damage. = Private property owners might take comfort in that … it may be a precedent for settlements with the rest of us. = Malibu comes up with a list of […]