Wind Blackouts Mean SCE System Is Not Safe, Not Reliable, Malibu Company Alleges

Written by on August 15, 2018

A Malibu broadcasting company has filed what is in essence a lawsuit against the California Public Utilities Commission … for its plan to turn off electricity to Malibu when severe winds storms hit.

Zuma Beach FM Broadcasters Incorporated … licensees and operators of radio station KBUU … filed a legal appeal yesterday in San Francisco.

The radio station company contends that blacking out Malibu at the most dangerous fire weather condition imaginable violates state law … which requires public electric companies to maintain safe and reliable electric service.

The legal action claims that allowing Southern California Edison to switch off electricity during wind storms means the power lines are neither safe nor reliable.

Reaction in Malibu has been very negative to the planned power shut off … as it will means schools homes and businesses will lose electric service when the electric company determines that its equipment can no longer operate safely.

All the lights on Malibu have batteries that last ..maybe … an hour.

Malibu mayor Rick Mullen has criticized the plan … as being nothing more then electric companies cutting their liability.

Southern California Edison equipment was responsible … accordng to lawsuits … for the gigantic Thomas fire last year … which costs more than $2 billion dollars in damages and lead to the loss of 22 lives …

This is according to lawsuits that have been filed already.

But no official cause has been found yet … however.

Governor Jerry Brown is concerned that the state’s strict liability laws are placing utilities in danger of going out of business.

And the governor appoints the members of the California Public Utilities Commission … which approved the preemptive blackout plan.

Zuma Beach FM Broadcasters’ legal action means it is now a party to the case …

And that means we are legally unable to ask the CPUC or the Edison Company for any reaction to the lawsuit.

If any is made in any public forum … we will bring it to you.

It is not clear what the CPUC will even do with the legal appeal.

One lawyer there said … and we quote … no one has ever done this before.


In a related story … you may have seen T-V commercials or seen internet ad ..  asking you to support changes to the state law that regulate California’s electric utilities.

The ads are from something called the BRITE Coalition.

That group has also sent e-mails to chambers of commerce and realtor groups … offerign to send public speakers out to talk up their plan.

Their plan … to reduce liability for electric companies for fires .. that theiur overhead poles might cause…

Well…. the San Francisco Chronicle has sone some digging

And …

Surprise …

Guess who is behind the ads???

All three of the state’s large investor-owned utilities — Southern California Edison.

San Diego Gas & Electric.

And PG and E …. Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

The are fighting for the changes …  but that’s not obvious from the commercials … they don’t mention the electric companies involvement.

[There are no radio stations in the database]