Overhead Power Politics In Sacramento

Written by on August 10, 2018

In Sacramento … some state legislators are raising concerns about a proposed law that would let electric companies off the hook if their overhead lines ignite a fire.

Governor Jerry Brown has called for an end to strict liability … where electric companies are responsible for fire damages under all circumstances.

He says that should be restricted to cases only where electric companies are negligent.

The Associated Press reports that some legislators feel that is giving the utilities too much

much protection without ensuring the utilities safely maintain their equipment.

One assemblywoman asked  yesterday … “If we lower the standard, what’s the incentive going to be to do those things that need to be done, for safety, for prevention?”

A spokesman for the governor said this was not a bailout … but a way to treat the the utilities like all other businesses,

It is not clear how the legislative sausage grinder will handle the utilities’ proposal to black out some areas during Santa Ana winds.

Many Malibu residents are upset with Southern California Edison’s plans to turn off circuits in Malibu when heavy winds threaten … to eliminate possible electric system fires.

Critics say the utility companies are trying to dodge liability … while causing in enormous dangers in intentional blackouts.

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