3 of the 5 Planning Commissioners Are Most Unhappy With City Staff

Written by on June 5, 2018

The Malibu planning commission last night clashed with city staff over a matter that was decided two weeks ago.

A majority of the commissioners was angry that the city staff apparently made a mistake on interpreting city policy about basements.

Prominent Malibu realtor Chris Cortazzo was before the commission … seeking approval for a new mansion on Cliffside Drive that included an underground gymnasium.

But at that meeting … Commissioner Steve Uhring asked if the basement room needed two exits … and was told by city staff “no.”

After the meeting … Uhring went onto the Internet and discovered a city policy that says yes … a basement room must have two exits.

That led to this snippy exchange between Uhring and fellow commissioner Jeff Jennings.


“I can understand people being wrong.

“What I don’t understand is, three experts who were asked a question multiple times, coming back with an answer that is clearly incorrect.

“That to me is … that smells.

COMMISSIONER JEFF JENNINGS: “I’m sorry, there is no evidence that anybody came back with an answer that was clearly incorrect.

“The question is: ‘is a second exit required by the buildng code?’

“And you have not come back with anything that shows it is req uired.

In fact, the building (department) official says it is not required.”

Planning commissioner Jeff Jennings … arguing with fellow commissioner Steve Uhring.

The planning commission eventually voted 3 to 2 to start the wheels to rescind the permits for Cortazzo’s mansion on Cliffside.

But perhaps more importantly … it shows that a majority the planning commissioners have serious problems with the way the planning department staff … is doing its job.

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