KBUU Best Of Newswire Last Week: Santa Monica Board Looks To See If Malibu Votes For School Bonds – Andy Lyon Breaks From Kook Patrol To Run Last Minute Write In Candidacy, Aims To Torpedo Grisanti – Silverstein Responds To Critics Of His Alleged Internet Humor

Written by on October 19, 2024

It has been a very busy week, and KBUU Radio’s news staff has been busy covering events every night, editing tape all night, and rising at 4am to write the daily newscasts.   As a result, we are behind on posting the KBUU Newswire’s this weekend, with some of the major news stories that were broadcast on the radio.

SMMUSD Board Members Say Malibu School Board Will Determine School Independence 

School board officials in Santa Monica are saying that they can only vote for a new Malibu school district … if Malibu voters approve this fall’s bond issue.

Malibu district advocates have assumed that the bond issue will be a key factor in any move to show enough community support for a separate school district.

At a school board meeting this week … Santa Monica officials made it clear … it’s time for Mallbu voters to demonstrate that Malibu demonstrate popular support for its local schools … by backing the school bond.

The 13 year campaign to split Malibu out of Santa Monica control … and to gain control of Malibu property tax revenue now flowing to Santa Monica … is nearing a decision.

The LA County Office of Education will hold two public hearings… next month … to decide on an independent Malibu school district recommendation

It’s called LACOE … and while its ultimate vote will be advisory only … Malibu school separation advocates view its endorsement as critical.

But the timing of the committee hearings is raising eyebrows.

The first meeting is from 6 PM to 8 PM on a Friday night… November 8th.

That “date night” event will be at the Santa Monica school board headquarters in Santa Monica.

The second public hearing will be at Malibu high school… Wednesday the 16th of November … also at 6 p-m.

That will put the two public hearings after the November election… When Malibu voters will decide on measure MM.

That’s the $395 million school bond election to rebuild the remaining 2/3 of Malibu high school.

Santa Monica school board members have made it clear that they feel the divorce cannot happen… that Malibu cannot get its own independent school board… Voters turned down the bond issue this month.

City To Consider Public Lands Study This Coming Week

And the city of Malibu is about to unveil its findings from the months-long process of asking the community what it wants to see on five vacant pieces of land in Malibu.

Public feedback sessions have been held up and down the city … asking people what parks or community centers or vacant land preservation they want to see. 

Tow city commissions will go over the results next Tuesday .. a joint meeting of the parks and arts commissions at 5 p-m Tuesday,.

Next Thursday … the city council will hold a special afternoon session to study the public comments.

No final decision is expected until at least the regular Monday night city council meeting … in 10 days.  

But that is square in the middle of the current city council election … and a final decision will likely be up to the next city council.

Andy Lyon Breaks From Patrolling Surfrider For Kooks, Runs For City Council As Late Write-In

Malibu has a sixth city council candidate … a familiar face.

Andy Lyon says he has turned in enough petitions names to be considered an official write in candidate for this month’s general election … 

Lyon did not show up at the city council chambers Monday night … he phoned in to announce his candidacy.

70682 LYON 

“I’m not new to this. I’ve done this a few times as you know.

“I felt i’s important that I come in at this point because it seems that I need to support Steve and Bruce.”

That would be Steve Uhring and Brice Silverstein …. whom Lyon ran for city council four years ago. 

Silverstein and Uhring had originally endorsed newcomer Haylynn Conrad as the candidate they hoped would unseat Paul Grisanti.

Since then … Conrad has angered some of Siverstein and Uhring’s political supporters … by refusing to share their campaign against incumbent Paul Grisanti. 

Monday night … Lyon made it clear he who who target is … Grisanti.

70688 LYON TWO

“I don’t like the way things have been run in the city .. I’ve been here my whole life and we need to have a little bit of change.  

“We need to have a little bit of a change of ex running asleep with another candidate the days of these mayors, running a slate, if they’re gonna run late with another candidate, then they’re going to face the three of us..”

In case you’re wondering what that is all about… Lyon is clearly anxious to revisit old political fights with Sharon Barovsky … who stepped down from the City Council 14 years ago. 

Barovsky and other former mayors have enflamed a subset of Malibu voters ,..,. by endorsing Grisanti for re-election. i.

Ballots were already mailed out more than a week ago to the voters … and many voters have already sent their ballots back. 

Lyon may have waited too late to announce.

Lyon last made news for using a large rock at Surfrider Beach to bash in the surfboard owned by a young man who had the temerity to surf on the same wave that Lyon had claimed. 

Tape of that violent outburst got Lyon fired from his job at a real estate company. 

And he made a defense of his behavior in the surf line … at a city council meeting 14 months ago.


“I’m not like … just being a pig. I’m not out there supping.

“So .. it’s like … dude … like something like that happens and you get the ‘what?’ and ‘it’s like like chill bro. It’s Malibu and all that stuff.’

“It’s an especially that ‘hey man it’s Malibu. Why don’t you just chill out?

“Those guys come up for the week when there’s a swell they don’t put any time in and they think: ‘well hey man, it’s Malibu.’  It’s like ‘relax we’re just going.’

“It’s not like San Onofre. We’re not all holding hands and taking off together.

“This is like a proper wave. You can rip the shit out of it it”

Lyon has most recently been campaigning at City Hall to have a bunch of parking tickets eliminated for his surfing buddies. … who got cited for sleeping in their cars during a recent surf contest at Surfrider Beach. 

He cussed out the city council when they failed to get the tickets eliminated for his friends.

Lyon submitted his petitions to become a recognized …. official write in candidate eight days ago.

As of last Tuesday… those signatures had not been verified by the Malibu city clerk.

Silverstein Once Again Finds It Necessary To Respond To Snide Comments At City Meeting

City councilman Bruce Silverstein again gave a long … long defense of his decision to post and repost some really juvenile … sexist and demeaning humor on a Facebook page that he administers.

As is usual … several people called in to Monday night’s city council meeting to criticize Silverstein. 

That’s not news … it happens every meeting.

What is elevates the matter to local news its that Silverstein takes time during a city council meeting to publicly respond.

Once again … Monday night … some commentators called in to read some of the vile and sexist jokes that Silverstein has up on his Facebook page.

And once again … Silverstein felt it necessary to read from a prepared speech.


“I’m not sure silencing people are forcing them to alter their speech is the best way to method of solving problems.

“Those problems go much deeper than speech. 

“One less quote from Ricky Gervais… I’m sorry … I found a great greeting card also. “ ‘You find it offensive? I find it funny. That’s why I’m happier than you.’ ”

He did not look very happy.

Three minutes of attacks from the caller … five minutes of Silverstein defending his juvenile and sexist jokes … asserting his right to allegedly be funny … and using a city council meeting to proclaim his First Amendment right to be offensive.

And that … by the way … is how he described it. 

Malibu Looking Into Buying Key Park Entrance, And Maybe Land Near Malibu Racquet Club

Malibu may purchase another two pieces of vacant land … one of them is a key access point to a proposed public swimming pool or library and community center at Bluffs Park.

The owners of two pieces of land have come forward and asked the city if it wants to buy one or the other. 

One piece of land is at the corner of PCH at Portshead Road … on Point Dume.

That is right next door to the vacant lot … owned by the city … where the Christmas trees used to be sold.

That’s called the Heathercliff lot … even though it has no vehicle access to Heathercliff Drive … also … no vehicular access to Portshead Road.

The only way in or out is PCH … and for that matter … only eastbound PCH …. 

No left turns are possible two or from Pacific Coast Highway … and the fear is that if a park is installed at the Heathercliff lot …  hundreds of SUVs every day would be making U-turns at Heathercliff to get in … and Portshead to get out.

The solution … mentioned at recent city public lands hearings …. would be for the city to buy the vacant lot along Portshead Road … south of PCH.  The entrance there.

The property was valued at 733 thousand dollars the last time it was sold … that was back 25 years ago. 

Last night… City Manager Steve McClary revealed that the owners of that land have come forward and want to sell it to the city.

Also … the owner of a vacant lot near City Hall also wants to sell his land to the city.

That lot is north of the condominiums on Civic Center Way … and south of the tennis club. 

Last night … the city council told city manager Steve McClary: Let’s hear the details.

Bear Spotted In Bu Driveway Is Back In 818, Heading East

That female bear … who was spotted in Bruce Silverstein’s driveway near City Hall two weeks ago … has ambled over to Encino. 

Yellow 22-91 is her name … sounds like a taxicab … and she moves around like an Uber. 

She was first spotted in the suburbs of far Eastern LA county… Claremont to be exact… Last May.

She was relocated deep into the San Gabriel mountains.

But then she walked all the way around Pasadena dot San Fernando Valley… Crossed several freeways… And showed up in Malibu.

When she made her way back to Chatsworth .. in the valley … she created a scene in an industrial park.

That got her a one-way pick up truck ride back into the San Gabriel mountains… But she walked back to Malibu. 

But by the first week of August, she had made her way back to the Santa Monicas, and had been in Malibu this summer and fall.

Now … Yellow 22-91 is in the valley.

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