KBUU Newswire Tuesday: County Says Water Tank Replacement Will Not Hurt Encinal Canyon Residents – Cougar Necropsy Results Coming

Written by on September 5, 2024

Encinal Canyon Residents Told Water Changes Will Happen During Low Flow Times, Not Fire Season

L A County waterworks is reassuring residents of the Encinal Canyon that it will switch out an old water tank with a new one … and a new pump station.

The western Malibu neighborhood has been beset by low water pressure … and not enough water storage to fight fires.

County water engineer Eduardo Medina told the Planning Commission last night that thew water tank switchover will be done during a low fire risk time of the year.


“When we do the tank, which is something we want to put in not in the red flag season, put it in more of a season when the water demand is not as high. Because perhaps it’s not gonna be a super long duration, but it’s not a critical path where we have to do it in a certain rush matter. We can wait on that until we actually make that pipe connection during low demand, during low fire risk season.”

But neighborhood concerns center on the tank switchover … and on the lack of an emergency generator at the pumping station.

The county engineer explained that the waterworks district prefers to keep its generators on trailers… To be moved into place when needed.

Medina says emergency generators are only infrequently needed.


“Although you may need it when you need it, normally speaking, you won’t really need it. And to use a generator sitting up, there is probably not the best use of an available resource because they do have so many pump stations throughout the area.

“So if there is a loss of power, I think the county would like the ability to use the existing pool of generators, and the new one that they are going to buy for this, and then use it where it is needed. “

But resident Norm Haney says that is all well and good.

But he says the 50 homes in the lower Encioncal Canyon area have been left high and dry … without fire protection water … because a a 70 thousand gallon water tank is being torn out … with a new 200 thousand gallon boot scheduled to be on line for three years.


“I am much in favor of the pump station, the improvement for the pump station, it’s necessary for the safety of this area.

“I just wish that they had the same philosophy when they decided to tear down the 70,000 gallon water tank before they constructed the new water tank.”

He is urging that residence in lower Encinal Canyon install their own 25,000 gallon water tanks for fire safety.

Necropsy Results Due For Cougar That Attacked Kid In Malibu Canyon Picnic Area

State wildlife vets are performing a medical exam on the mountain who grabbed a little boy last weekend in a picnic area in Malibu Canyon.

It already that this was the mountain lion that was shot and killed by Park rangers in Tapia Park hours after the child was attacked.

The dead Mountain line is being examined to determine its gender… o, age, health and whether or not it carried rabies.

The results will be known today or tomorrow.

Meanwhile… The mayor of Calabasas says she’s worried about the safety residence.

Alicia Weintraub told the Los Angeles Daily News… “…“My main concern is the safety of our residents. Children and families should be at parks and not have this fear,” said Alicia Weintraub, mayor of Calabasas. She said the state park is in unincorporated LA County, but very near the city boundaries.

Like Malibu… Calabasas regularly educates its population of the presence of wild animals in and around the city, including bears and mountain lions.

Both have been spotted in people’s backyards fairly routinely, often showing up on outdoor video footage shared on social media sites, she said.

But Weintraub said the city has never had a mountain lion at one of its parks. She had a mountain lion visit the backyard of her home last year in the early morning. “It was quite scary to me,” she said.

Weintraub said the City Council will discuss the incident at Malibu Creek State Park at its upcoming meeting.

“I think the families did everything right, from what I read. It is definitely scary,” she said.

The mountain lion attack occurred in a picnic area, not on a remote trail or backwoods area, within the state park.

The LA Daily News reports that groups working to protect mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains were upset about the incident.

Beth Pratt … at the National Wildlife federation … says her heart goes out to the child and the family who experienced this attack.

Since 1986, there have been about 26 human attacks in the state, with four fatalities.

Two children have been attacked in Malibu Canyon area in the past three years.

In comparison, automobiles cause between 3,000 and 4,000 deaths every year in the state.

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