State Issues List Of OK Activities: Biking And Hiking OK, But Local Trails Still Closed Due To Proximity To LA Hordes

Written by on May 1, 2020

The governor yesterday released a new list of activities allowed in California … only if they’re done only with members of your household and if you maintain a distance of six feet from others.

Hiking is one of them.

So is bicycling … biking is allowed as long as it’s not done in groups and riders maintain a distance of 6 feet from others.

And yes, bicycling on PCH remains legal – so long as bicyclists separate by 6 feet it is safe – according to state health experts.

Hiking on trails and paths allowed – with distancing.

Horseback riding OK.

Jogging and running OK.

Rock Climbing OK. 

Even picnics  …. with your stay-home household members only.
All those activities are allowed … but not in the Malibu area.

State parks in the Malibu area remain closed. 

Same for M R C A parkland … same for the National Park Service lands.

And the beaches in Malibu …. and up to Point Mugu in Ventura County … closed TFN.

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