3 Weekend Fundraisers Split District

Written by on April 27, 2018

A school district schism reveals itself in May fundraising drives for the local school district.

Three events for school parents in one weekend … but one is being shunned.

First … the Malibu High School Shark Fund is having its annual spring Fun-Raising Party … one week from Saturday.

It’s Cinco de Mayo.
Dinner, Cocktails, Live Music, DJ, Dancing, Silent Auction & Raffle
Tickets are now $125 a person.

And on Sunday .. May 6th … it’s th eMalibui Fiesta.

That’s the joint fundraising carnival put on together by the three Malibu elementary schools.

Webster … Point Dume … and Juan Cabrillo.

That’s from 11 to 4 at the elementary school on Morning View Drive.

And that same afternoon … the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation’s has its Third annual Wine Auction May 6, Foundation officials announced this week.

It’s a gala soiree at a Santa Monica hotel … the Fairmount Miramar.

The money raised for this pays for arts teachers in Malibu classrooms …. and Santa Monica schools.

Other projects too.

But Malibu parents have nearly totally ignored the Santa Monica Malibu Education Foundation and its fundraising efforts.

That’s part of the bad blood from a decade ago. … when the school district moved unsuccessfully to take some parent donations for Malibu schools to benefit disadvantaged kids in Santa Monica.

A total of $374,000 was raised by the first two Wine Auctions to benefit the Education Foundation, which funds programs at every school in the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.

In addition … 87 instructional assistants and enrichment grants for all 16 schools in the district are funded by the foundation.

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